Homoeopathy Clinic Management System {Multi branches} is Desktop application that is developed by keeping all criteria of homoeopathy in mind. This software can be operated in multi-branches and data of that will be centralized. Client can be able to manage more than one branch at their own end
Main Goal
The Application software has following goals;
- Expanding horizon of Homoeopathy with IT
- Centralize database management & reporting system
- Computerizing all financial Information
- Centralized Control & Systematic management of Clinical activity of Multiple branches
- Systematic Patient history record
- Getting stand in competitive market using technology
Duration Project
Project development with implementation will require 15 days without any change emitted by client
Service Features
The Project will be having Service features like;
- Operation in 3 branches in different locations or cities
- 5 users in each branches (Total 15 Users)
- Centralization of database of all branches
- Combined as well as Individual branch wise reporting system through unique ID & password
- Database export functionality
- Security Modules
There will be only one language: English
Dashboard of Homoeopathy System
Add New Patient
- To add new patient click on New Patient and then click on Add New button.
- To edit patient click on Edit button.
- To delete patient click on Delete button.
- To view the visits of patient click on Visit button.
- To print the patients report click on Print button.
- To exit this window click on Exit.
Application Modul
Patient Registrarion
This application is compatible to collect & record huge amount of data of patient. So, Client can assess the information of any patient anytime as, all patients (multi branches) will be recorded & stored in central database with their detailed information.
Every appointment of same patient will be recorded in application, lead to create history of patient in form of information or treatment given to them. This history will be helpful to client (doctor) in his practice.
Medical Information
Every patient’s medical Information in form of medicine & its potency will be recorded in the application. So when patient take next appointment, doctor can treat patient keeping their historical medical Information into consideration.
Financial Information
This application will give information about financial status in form of Date wise cash collection, client pending collection, along with discount facility.
Patient Case Paper
This application is having case paper facility, which Smoothen the practice of homoeopathy. Again it will be serving as historical information of patient so, whenever patient take next appointment that same case paper can be refer by doctor during treatment.
User Level Permission
Using this application Admin Person will be able to create different users, and can give permission to every user depending on their requirement. So, User can use the system with limited functionality according to requirement of their task.
User Inter-phase
This is desktop application so there is no dependency on internet. Again this application is user friendly as its very feasible to data entry operator who can work on system by limited use of mouse & more using keyboard. Navigation of application is with the help of presentation of Icons.
Fees Module
This application has facility of fees module. Using this module client can be able maintain standards of their charges for consulting patient; charges of medicine for Specific duration like for 15 days, 1 month, etc. These charges directly reflect in to patient’s bill generated through system. Facility of Customized charging according to patient is also available in this application.
Other Facility
In this application system Masters are prepared at different level, which are having number of data available in it and still more information can be added using this Masters like;
- Patient Information Master (Education, city, branch……)
- Admin Master (Create user, Give permission & Prepare Fees Structure)
- Medicine Master (Add new medicine, Potency & diagnosis)
Reporting System
This application will generate different kind of reports like;
- Patient Registration Report
Patient registration report can be generated by selecting range of date like weekly, monthly & according to requirement.
- Case Paper Report
Case paper can be generated during first consultation and same can be useful as a history of patient and can be printed also if required.
- Report of assistant wise patient Visit
Admin person or Doctor will be able to generate report of all assistants, as number of patient visited to each assistant and can do comparative of all assistant, and also compare it with total number of patient.
- Bill of Patients
Bill of every patient can be generated through this application in which billing information can be viewed.
- Date wise bill Collection
Date wise Bill collection report can be generated by selecting range of date like weekly, monthly & according to requirement. And it will also show pending collection of patients.
- Receipt of collection
Using this application Receipt of collection can be generated and print of it can be provided to patient.

Resolution: 1024*768 or upper
Framework used: DOT Net Framework 2.0
Languages: MSSQL, C#
Architecture: 3-Tier Architecture
Database: SQL Express 2005
Reporting Tool : Crystal Report 10.0